Stop violence !
- Engaging situations that are relevant to the daily lives of young people.
- A simple, easy-to-use tool that meets the needs of the field.
- An active pedagogy that empowers young people to take action.
Témoins d’une situation de harcèlement : discrimination, rumeur, racket, partage de contenus intimes, ils vont tour à tour interroger témoins, harceleurs et victimes pour décrypter les mécanismes du harcèlement et comprendre comment ils peuvent concrètement agir pour l’arrêter.
Empathy at the heart of our pedagogical approach
To facilitate the conflict resolution and promote a calm school environment.
Created with experts for the educational community.
45-90 minutes
L’outil plébiscité par le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale
Testé et approuvé par la communauté éducative
Déjà plus d’1 million d’adolescents sensibilisés
Avec Stop la violence ! Nous avons pu aborder des enjeux pas évidents avec ma classe de 4ᵉ et désamorcer une situation complexe de harcèlement. Les élèves ont bien compris qu’ils pouvaient tous agir pour stopper une situation de harcèlement.
M. D.
Professeur documentaliste
Nous avons intégré Stop la violence ! dans notre projet d’établissement de sensibilisation et de lutte contre le harcèlement. Cet outil interactif a particulièrement plu à nos élèves qui se sont sentis investis dans leur mission d’enquêteur.
To learn more about the latest news from Tralalere and Internet Sans Crainte
Who are we?
Thursday, November 7 – International Day against Violence and Harassment in Schools
Initiated by UNESCO, this day officially recognizes that all forms of school violence violate children’s and adolescents’ rights to education, health, and well-being. It is also an opportunity to mobilize governments, international organizations, and civil society.
With Stop Violence!, we offer ready-to-use sessions designed to raise awareness and take action against harassment among middle and high school students, tailored to your audience.
Prepare your session now by consulting our educational resources.
Stop Violence! grand prize winner from the European Commission
Each year, the Safer Internet associations of European countries come together to vote for the best educational resource in the European Commission’s Better Internet for Kids competition.
This year, Stop Violence! was awarded as the top educational resource for raising awareness about bullying. Thanks to this recognition, we are now able to offer some of our content in English, helping us reach even more young people and join forces in the fight against harassment.